Unlimited 400 Internet

Save $20/month for 24 months.

Take advantage of our special offer for only $70/month!

Unlimited 400 Internet

$ 70

for 24 months

Regular rate after 24 months: $80/month

Equipment cost included for 24 months: $12/month**

Subscribe to Helix

Unlimited 400 Internet

$ 70

for 24 months

Regular rate after 24 months: $80/month

Equipment cost included for 24 months: $12/month**

Subscribe to Helix

With Helix, you own your equipment and control your experience.
You have the freedom to pay in full when subscribing or in 24 equal instalments of $12/month.

Helix, ça comprend toute une rentrée télé ! - EN

Unlimited 400 Internet

Download speed:
Up to 400 Mbps


Also included:
An ultrapowerful and smart Wi-Fi
The Helix Fi app
Parental Control

Why choose Helix

The Internet Traffic Management Policy applies from Internet 100


Helix technology is available or exclusively available in some regions.
The Helix Internet network is made up of an alloy of the best technologies: optical fibre, coaxial and cutting-edge Wi-Fi.
* This limited-time offer applies to new Videotron Residential customers who subscribe to Internet and entails a promotional discount of $20/month for 24 months. Maintaining this discount is conditional upon customer subscribing to an Internet plan with a minimum monthly service rate of $80.
** Prices include the purchase of a Helix Fi gateway. The Helix Fi gateway may be purchased through a single instalment of $288 or an instalment plan of $12/month for 24 months. Taxes not included. An extended product warranty for an additional 24-month period is also available for $36 per equipment. Customers who unsubscribe before the end of the 24-month payment period will have to pay the remaining balance of the equipment’s costs. The price of devices is not included. The number of connected devices is provided only as an example of a customer's average Internet use. The figures represent approximate data use and vary according to the person's use, the websites they visit, as well as the quality of the songs and videos they download. Programming and rates are subject to change without prior notice. Any changes made to a service, or combination of services, may result in a rate adjustment. Services, conditions and rates may vary by region and are subject to change without prior notice.