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1 Price and conditions: The Android Visual Voicemail add-on can only be changed once a month. Roaming charges apply to texting outside Canada. Roaming charges abroad are charged on a pay-per-use basis, and do not affect the customer's monthly text message allowance. When roaming, data transfer charges may apply to incoming and outgoing photo and video messages. In certain cases, fixed rates are charged on a pay-per-use basis for sending a message while roaming.
The use of Android Visual Voicemail always generates data consumption on the Mobile network. A cellular data connection is required to use this service, even if you are connected to Wi-Fi.
Service availability: The service is available on Videotron’s network, across Canada and abroad. A cellular data connection is required. Data usage charges may apply.
Change notice: Performance and service rates may vary on the partner networks. Services and conditions are subject to change without prior notice. Certain conditions apply.
Taxes and conditions: Applicable taxes not included.
2 The Voice Messages by email add-on can only be changed once a month. To use this service, you must have a Videotron e-mail account and the mobile voice mail service and be a customer of Videotron cable Internet service or mobile Internet service. Offers and conditions are subject to change without prior notice. Certain conditions apply. Taxes and other applicable fees are not included.
3 The Visual Voicemail add-on can only be changed once a month. The add-on is only valid for iPhoneTM devices. Roaming charges apply to texting outside Canada. Roaming charges abroad are charged on a pay-per-use basis, and do not affect the customer's monthly text message allowance. When roaming, data transfer charges may apply to incoming and outgoing photo and video messages. In certain cases, fixed rates are charged on a pay-per-use basis for sending a message while roaming. Using Visual Voicemail uses data on the mobile network and does not work when connected via Wi-Fi. Messages may be accessed in Videotron's extended coverage area and throughout Canada. Performance and service rates may vary on the partner networks. Offers and conditions are subject to change without prior notice. Taxes and other applicable fees are not included. Certain conditions apply.
4 The choice of message add-ons may only be changed once a month. The add-ons may be combined. The message add-ons may be used within Videotron's extended territory and within Canada. Roaming charges apply when sending text messages from outside of Canada. Roaming rates outside Canada are charged per unit and are not debited from the monthly message add-on. While roaming, data transmission charges may apply when sending and receiving photo and video messages. In some cases, a fixed charge per unit is billed for sending a message while roaming. Offers and conditions are subject to change without prior notice. Certain conditions apply. Taxes and other applicable fees are not included.