What Internet speed should I choose for my business?

Consider the number of users who are online simultaneously, the types of activities that require an Internet connection, and the number of connected devices.

There are several factors to consider when choosing the right Internet speed for your business. What questions should you ask yourself when making this decision?

Good to know

If you’re wondering what Internet speed your business needs, make sure you pay close attention to the reliability of the Wi-Fi offered. An ultra-reliable Wi-Fi network is crucial, as it helps ensure a constant and stable connection, as well as support your company's day-to-day operations, communications, and transactions.

Choosing your Internet speed: what questions to ask yourself

There are many factors, beyond Internet speed, that can impact your company's operations. It’s important to understand how you actually use your Internet connection. We know that every company's situation is unique and that there are several variables that come into play. Here we offer a basic guide that we hope will help you make a more informed decision when shopping for your Internet plans.

Need help? Our Customer Service is available to guide you.

  1. Which of your business activities require an Internet connection?
    Employees who download large files, participate in video conferences, use a point-of-sale (POS) terminal, or stream movies and content in 4K on a regular basis need higher Internet speeds than those who primarily use it to check email, browse the Internet, manage social media, and listen to or stream music. A high Internet speed is even more relevant if multiple employees are performing these tasks at the same time and using a wide variety of devices.
  2. How many people use the Internet at the same time in your company?
    The number of employees and customers who will have access to the Internet connection within your company is the second factor that you need to consider.
    We suggest the following calculation for commercial use: count on an average of 15 Mbps per person to cover the basic needs of each member of your team.
  3. How many connected devices are being used simultaneously in your company?
    Count the connected devices and smart objects in your establishment: phones, tablets, computers, printers, watches, televisions, IPTV terminals, wireless speakers, POS terminals, voice-activated speakers, cameras, locks, lights, thermostats, outlets, switches, etc. These devices, each taken separately, don't necessarily use a lot of bandwidth. However, the higher the number of devices connected simultaneously, the faster the Internet speed should be.

Better understanding Internet speed

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Bandwidth, or flow, is the maximum amount of data in a network (or communication channel) that is transported in a certain time interval.

Network flow is measured in millions of bits per second (Mbps) or billions of bits per second (Gbps). This metric, in your business, represents the amount of data that can be transferred every second during your online activities. The higher the metre, the more high-speed Internet your network offers for downloads and uploads.

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Latency refers to the time it takes for data to be transmitted over a network. A number of factors can affect a network’s latency, including:

  • The type of Internet connection;
  • The quality of network equipment (routers and switches);
  • The distance between devices;
  • Security configuration (firewalls and DDoS protection systems);
  • Network capacity, namely bandwidth.
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Downloading is when your business receives information or files from a server, device, or the web.

Choosing the right downloading capacity is important. There are many things that need to be downloaded every day, including transferring files (e.g., software, apps, data, images, sounds, etc.), loading a website, watching videos, or streaming music.

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Uploading is the opposite of downloading. Uploading is when your company sends or transfers information or files from a device (phone, tablet, or computer) to a server or other device.

The uploading capacity you opt for is important when you're sending emails, transmitting files, or making live video calls, for example. The need for uploading is often less than the need for downloading.

Good to know

The more people who are simultaneously doing bandwidth-intensive activities on the network, the more the Internet speed available to each connected device decreases. Effective bandwidth management on a corporate network requires distinguishing between usage that entails continuous bandwidth, such as video conferencing, and usage that entails temporary bandwidth, such as downloads and video streaming. Your company's megabits-per-second requirements are directly related to the way in which you use the Internet and the number of users and devices connected simultaneously.

A variety of plans to suit your business needs

GIGA Internet access

Download speed up to 940 Mbps

Upload speed up to 50 Mbps

  • Internet access suitable for frequent and advanced use.
  • Stop worrying about Internet speed, how many people are using the Internet at the same time, how many devices are connected, what types of activities are being done simultaneously, or how much IoT equipment is available.

500 Internet access

Download speed up to 500 Mbps

Upload speed up to 50 Mbps

  • Internet access suitable for frequent and advanced use.
  • Connect multiple devices at the same time, for all types of activities.
  • Stream audio and video content.
  • Perform multiple downloads simultaneously.

200 Internet access

Download speed up to 200 Mbps

Upload speed up to 50 Mbps

  • Internet access suitable for basic use. Ideal for establishments that do not offer Wi-Fi to its clientele.
  • Quickly download and share large files.
  • Collaborate with colleagues and clients online.

Frequently asked questions about Internet speeds for businesses

It depends on the number of employees in your company. You have to take into account the employees who use the company’s VPN and those who use a remote VPN.

You can call our Customer Service at 1-877-512-8590 to request a plan change or for more information.

No. The speed of your Internet connection is not compromised by the location of the equipment. However, the equipment’s location could affect the effectiveness of the Wi-Fi network. Our Wi-Fi Pro solution can help remedy this situation and provide tailor-made coverage for your entire establishment.

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