New year, new lineup!

Check out the changes to the TV lineup for seven new channels, effective since January 1.

Flavor Network Banner

To see all shows, visit the Flavour Network channel website.

Home Network Banner

To see all shows, visit the Home Network channel website.

Oxygen Forensic Factor A New Era

Forensic Factor: A New Era

Oxygen Dateline Unforgettable

Dateline: Unforgettable

Oxygen Snapped


To see all shows, visit the Oxygen True Crime channel website.

CTV Speed Bush Wreck Wreckers

Bush Wreck Rescue

CTV speed Nascar Xfinity

Nascar Xfinity

CTV Speed Heavy Rescue 401

Heavy Rescue 401

To see all shows, visit the CTV Speed channel website.

USA Network Heavy Rescue 401

Heavy Rescue 401

USA Rocky Mountain Wreckers

Rocky Mountain Wreckers

USA Highway Thru Hell

Highway Thru Hell

To see all shows, visit the USA Network channel website.

CTV Nature I Survived Bear Grylls

I Survived Bear Grylls

CTV Nature Disasters At Sea

Disasters At Sea

CTV Nature How It's Made

How It’s Made

To see all shows, visit the CTV Nature channel website.

CTV Wild Pets Pickers

Pets & Pickers

CTV Wild Outback Opal Hunters

Outback Opal Hunters

CTV Wild My Pet Ate What

My Pet Ate What!?

To see all shows, visit the CTV Wild channel website.

Frequently asked questions about the new 2025 lineup

It’s easy!

Are you subscribed to the channels in question? If so, you don’t need to take any action. Changes to the Program Guide will be made automatically as of January 1, 2025. Select the same channel position to discover the renewed programming. No changes will be made to your TV plan or your invoice.

Want to discover channels you don’t subscribe to? Each channel will be available in free preview mode until February 28, 2025.

After February 28, you can subscribe to these channels if you wish. See how to change your channels.

Following changes in broadcasting rights, seven grid positions are now occupied by new channels. These channels offer themes and programming based on the same areas of interest.Learn more about the new lineup.

Absolutely. You can change your channel selection at any time. See how to change your channels.

Yes. You will keep your completed recordings.

Scheduled recordings of programs on the old channels will be cancelled. To record a program on one of the new channels, you will need to schedule a new recording.

Many shows will still be available, and some will stop being broadcast. We encourage you to check out the new channel lineup and reschedule your recordings as of January 1, 2025, if necessary.

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