Helix TV customers, say “TVA On Demand”
With Helix voice command, it’s easy to find TVA content and catch up on episodes you’ve missed.
Want to make the most of all this content?
On your TV or mobile devices, it’s easy to watch your favourite shows whenever you want with a subscription to one of our TV or TV App plans!
More lookback shows on all our channels
Missed an episode or series? Browse our catalogue of On Demand channels to find your favourite content in lookback mode.*
Frequently asked questions about TVA and On Demand channels
On Helix TV, the TVA HD channel is 604.
Yes. TVA is one of the 24 Basic channels included in all TV and TV App plans.
No. These channels are part of the Popular selection. They can be added to your choice of channels if your plan includes some, or they can be added à la carte.
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Lookback content
To access a channel’s lookback content, the channel in question must be part of your TV or TV App plan.