Changes made to Videotron Voicemail

In 2023, some changes have been phased into the Voicemail service for Mobility and Home Phone customers.

A few changes have been made to some Videotron Mobility and Home Phone Voicemail features. While you can still enjoy the same features, some commands are modified.


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Key changes made to Voicemail

  • Your new messages can be saved for up to 90 days, after which they are automatically deleted
  • The messages saved in your old mailbox will be deleted as of October 3
  • Some commands are changed

A precious message?

Do you have one or more messages you want to keep? Check out our Forum article on tips and tricks to help you.

You are a Business customer? See the details of the changes.

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Frequently asked questions about the changes made to Voicemail

All the messages saved in your old mailbox will be deleted. Your greeting and your PIN remain the same.

Before October 3, press 5, then 1 in the Voicemail menu to access your old mailbox and listen to the messages it may contain.

Different apps allow you to record audio content you wish to save. Find out our tips to keep your important voicemail messages.

Here are the most popular functions and their new keys:

  • Go back to the beginning of the message: 4
  • Delete the message (even while listening) and go to the next one: 7
  • Save the message (even while listening) and go to the next one: 9
  • Return to the main menu: *

See the new full tree structure.



No. You keep your greeting message.

Yes. These changes do not affect Visual Voicemail. If you encounter any issues with this iPhone feature, check out our quick fixes and Apple support, or contact Technical Support.

For more information on using Videotron Voicemail

Voicemail full tree structure

Support for Mobile Voicemail

Support for Home Phone Voicemail

When a new usage procedure applies, New keys annotation will be present.


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