You can schedule your recordings from the TV terminal and record up to eight programs simultaneously.
Scheduling a recording with illico TV
illico TV New Generation
- In the Guide, select the program you want to record.
- Press your remote’s Record button, then select the Record option.
- Select your options, depending on the chosen content. For a series, select the Record series option.
- Select Record to confirm, as appropriate.
Good to know
Are you recording a program that may run over the scheduled time? To ensure the whole program is recorded, after selecting Record, press the blue B button on the remote control and enter the start and end times.
illico TV First Generation
- In the Guide, select the program you want to record.
- Select Record "...".
- Select your options, depending on the chosen content. For a series, select All episodes in the Record column.
- Press the yellow triangle A to confirm.
Playing my recordings with illico TV
illico TV New Generation
- Press your remote’s LIST button.
- Choose a recording, then select Play.
illico TV First Generation
- Press your remote’s LIST button to bring up all your recorded content.
- Choose a recording, then select Play "Program title."
Deleting a recording with illico TV
illico TV New Generation
- Press your remote’s LIST button.
- Choose the program to be deleted.
- In the menu on the right, select the Delete option.
- Select Yes to confirm your choice.
illico TV First Generation
- Press your remote’s LIST button to bring up all your recorded content.
- Choose the program to be deleted, then select the Erase option.
- Press the yellow triangle A to confirm your choice.
Frequently asked questions about recordings with illico TV
If you were watching a TV show from the beginning, press the Record button at any time during its broadcast and it will be recorded from the moment you started watching it.
With illico TV New Generation:
- While watching a show, press your remote’s Record button or press the green diamond D, then select Record.
- Choose between Record once or Repeat recording.
- If Repeat recording was selected, change the recording options, if wanted.
- Select Record.
With illico TV First Generation:
- While watching a show, press your remote’s Record button or press Settings, then select Start Recording XXXX Now.
- Select your options based on the chosen content, then press the yellow triangle A to confirm.
With illico TV New Generation:
- Press your remote’s LIST button to bring up all your recorded content.
- Press the yellow triangle A and select a different sorting option, if desired.
With illico TV First Generation:
- Press your remote’s LIST button to bring up all your recorded content.
- Press the blue square B to access the preferences and select a different sorting option, if desired.
A scheduling conflict occurs when too many recordings have been scheduled for the same time. If not resolved, some shows may not be recorded. Just follow these steps:
- Press your remote’s LIST button to bring up all your recorded content.
- Select View your issues.
- Select the schedule conflict, then Resolve conflict.
- Select Resolve conflict once again.
- Select the desired option to resolve the conflict.
A confirmation message is displayed when the schedule conflict is resolved.
Follow this procedure to select programs to delete to free up space when the hard drive is full:
- Press your remote’s LIST button to bring up all your recorded content.
- Press the green diamond D to display the options.
- Select PVR Management, then Free up disc space.
- Check the titles to delete or select the Select All option.
- Select Next step.
- Complete steps 1 to 5.
- At step 6, review your choices, then select Delete checked titles.
- Select Yes to confirm deletion of recordings.
When you program a show or series recording, after selecting Record:
- Press the blue square B to access the recording options.
- Using the arrows on your remote, select the Start and End fields to edit them as you want.
- Select Record.
To change the start and end time of an already scheduled recording:
- Press your remote’s LIST button twice to bring up all your upcoming recordings.
- Select a title.
- In the menu on the right, select the Modify option.
- Using the arrows on your remote, select the Start and End fields to edit them as you want.
- Select OK.
With illico TV New Generation:
- Press your remote’s LIST button twice to bring up all your upcoming recordings.
- Select the recording you want to cancel.
- In the menu on the right, select the Cancel option. If it’s a series, the option is Cancel series.
- Select Yes to confirm.
With illico TV First Generation:
- Press your remote’s LIST button to bring up all your recorded content.
- Press the yellow triangle A to bring up all your upcoming recordings.
- Select the recording you want to cancel.
- Press the blue square B.
- Press the yellow triangle A to confirm cancellation.
- In the Guide, select the program being recorded.
- Select the Cancel recording option.
- Select Yes to confirm.
With illico TV First Generation, the option is Cancel the recording of “Program title.”