Boxing Day sales : The iPhone 16 128 GB is $0/month, with selected 24-month Mobile plans, the Take-back Credit, and the Trade-in Credit for your old device.
Boxing Day sales: The Google Pixel 9 128 GB is $0/month, with the Take-back Credit and an eligible 24-month Mobile plan. Keep spoiling yourself!
Other benefits of our cell phones
Trade-in Credit
Take-back Credit
Simplified Payment option
Quality network coverage
Discover all our cell phone plans
Shop our cell phone plans that fits your needs and take advantage of an ultravast and reliable network.
Frequently asked questions about our mobile phones
At Videotron, we offer the latest big-brand smartphones.
Videotron does not offer prepaid mobile devices, but we have a wide variety of affordable mobile phones and plans, like the Talk and Text plan.
Find the perfect accessories for your cell phone by visiting the Videotron store nearest you.
Find the complete inventory of our certified refurbished phones here.
It is also possible to find refurbished smartphones in certain Videotron stores.
As of December 1, 2017, all Videotron smartphones are sold unlocked.
Yes, except the Talk and Text plan, which can’t be combined with selected mobile phones.
With the Videotron Simplified Payment option, you can get a new mobile phone in 24 affordable, interest-free monthly payments when you choose a 24-month plan that fits your needs.
Locate Videotron stores near you and call or verify online to see if they have cellphones in stock.
We’re here to help
1 For the offer details, please consult the “Learn more” section of the plans and mobile devices selected.
5G et 5G+
5G and 5G+ technologies are accessible on compatible devices, where a connection to the 5G or 5G+ network is possible. 5G and 5G+ coverage, product features, and performance may vary and are subject to network availability and connectivity, as well as various factors such as the plan, the device used, and environmental conditions. Outside 5G and 5G+ areas, compatible devices will continue to have access to LTE speeds, according to the available coverage. For more details: